549 different young people have visited our Resource Center so far this year. 549 different stories and situations which have led them to need assistance. 549 lives which for the most part have been filled with abuse, abandonment, dysfunction and struggle. 549 lives who for the most part have not chosen this type of lifestyle, but were born into families which led and pushed them to lives on the streets. 549 lives who are worthy of love, respect, care, and assistance, and this is what we strive to offer at Hosea.
There are 549 different reasons why these young people are on the streets, struggling, addicted, and needing assistance. Yes, we can generalize to some degree what the issues are, and our leaders are certainly trying to “figure out” what we can do to alleviate homelessness. We all hope that someday the necessary resources will be available so that homelessness will be “rare, brief, and non-recurring” (a stated goal of a local effort). But in the meantime, there are so many in our area, our state, the west coast and our country who need assistance, and it’s easy to feel like the problem will never go away.

It’s not too difficult to see there are significant systemic issues in our society which have bred the problem, caused significant family dysfunction, caused significant personal struggles, and has led to the neglect, abuse and abandonment our children. Can we really “turn back the clock” on decisions we’ve made as a society and expect to move forward with greater health, well – being and care for our children? Maybe, but in the meantime, we have at least 549 different young people between the ages of 16 & 24 in our area who are suffering. And I presume and expect there will be many who are younger who will be visiting our Resource Center in the future…………..
Over the past few years, and with your support, we’ve been able to increase our hours, increase our staff, provide more items of assistance, develop more opportunities to learn life skills and other important lessons, and provide opportunities to meet with counselors and work on mental health. Moving forward, we hope to do more to assist with employment, to provide more opportunities for learning and mental health support, and someday to provide overnight shelter and treatment.
Our service at Hosea will not bring an end to youth homelessness, but we will have significant impact in the lives of hundreds of our most vulnerable kids! We firmly believe if we can reach our young people now, we can keep them from becoming chronically homeless. Despite their life circumstances, most of the young people we serve still have hope, and we do all we can to fan those flames of hope and help each one work toward a life off the streets and to a life of self-sufficiency.
We would so appreciate your financial partnership in this effort! Your partnership provides love, care, and assistance to homeless young people, changing the course of their lives, to lives of health and purpose!

Brad Bills
Executive Director
“We firmly believe if we can reach our young people now, we can keep them from becoming chronically homeless.”
Will you join in this effort?