While the focal points of service at our Resource Center include food, clothing, showers, laundry, computer access, lockers and a safe place off the streets, there is so much more we provide in caring for and assisting our young guests. These include:
- Car Parts
- Pet food
- Vet services
- Toiletries
- Haircuts
- Local bus passes
- Bus tickets
- Birth certificates
- Oregon ID cards
- Motel rooms
- Work clothes
- Phones and service
- Gift cards
- Gas cards
Oxford House first month rent
- Tents
- Backpacks
- Sleeping bags
- Tarps
- First aid supplies
- Bike tools
- Musical instruments
- Guitar strings
- Baby and toddler items
- Electricity for charging
- Mailing address
As you can see, serving our young homeless community brings a wide range of opportunities to provide support, care, assistance and love! And we believe each of these items bring some extra hope in their journey toward what we hope will be a life of health and purpose!
Thank you for being with us in serving our young homeless community!