Last week Sarah (assumed name) excitedly shared with Starla that she’s now four months clean, feels excellent, and has a job interview soon. Several months ago, Sarah was caught up in her addiction, leading to many poor decisions and unhealthy behaviors, and very clearly had the look of a drug addict. It is so nice to see vibrancy and life in her now as she enters our space!
David (assumed name), up until a few months ago, was doing so well! He was clean, working, going to school, and had a plan. But then, the lure of a “good high” caught him, and what began as occasional use has now got him back in full drug addiction. He looks terrible, can’t communicate clearly, and is very confused about his future.
While homelessness and addiction don’t always go hand in hand, they are very closely intertwined. As we strive to serve our young guests with all of the physical services we offer, we must also learn stories, develop relationships and do all we can to encourage and guide them toward healing from the trauma and addictions in their young lives. They will only truly be able to move forward once they begin to deal with their pain with healthier behaviors and alternatives.
Very soon, we hope to be able to offer more specialized services for our young guests to better assist them with their journey toward lives of health and purpose. Please pray for these efforts and also for Sarah and David.
Thank you!
Brad Bills